Monday, November 16, 2009

Intel - Software Developer Supercomputing Conference, 2009

Today I attended Intel's - Software Developer Supercomputing Conference, 2009. It was a really great conference. Lot of ideas were shared by intel people like how to improve application performance using threads, libraries (like MKL-Math Kernel Library), using their new products, etc. etc.

The session was interactive enough and at the last they distributed Intel's T-shirts :)

Some useful pointers:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

..."sixth sense" - yes, it's coming...

Today I came across bleeding edge research of the year 2009 - Pranav Mistri's "sixth sense". It's a simple, wearable device that enhances the real world with digital information.

Great to see future developments in this area..

You can find more info on his website here.

Monday, November 9, 2009

J2SE 5.0 reached its End of Service Life (EOSL) Notice

On November 3, 2009, J2SE 5.0 reached its End of Service Life (EOSL), which is the date of final publicly available update of version 5.0 (i.e. J2SE 5.0 Update 22).

You can find more information here.
Learn more about EOL policy here.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ubuntu 9.10 coming...

Ubuntu: For Desktops, Servers, Netbooks and in the cloud

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Code Kata by Dave Thomas

Dave Thomas took the idea of coding practice and made something very well, pragmatic out of it.
There are series of katas, which are small, thought-provoking exercises that programmers can do in the language of their choice.

You can find it here. Really worth giving a try :)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Chaining methods using power of "return this"

In one of my older post [here], I discussed about the power of Fluent Interfaces. We can use those in building method chaining, thus improving the readability of code just english-like sentences.

We can also implement this using "return this" in class methods.

Take a look at below source code:


The above programs are self explanatory :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

To overcome "Maximum open cursors exceeded" issue

When we execute a query in oracle, a ResultSet is created and stored in the memory. Oracle allows the programmer to access this ResultSet in the memory through cursors.

When we fire SELECT query / DML query from Java code, Oracle returns the reference of this created cursor to the Java program, which we refer as a ResultSet. Following is the hierarchy of creating objects in JDBC:

[For DML queries, we don't require "ResultSet" object]

Now, when we execute this query in loop for multiple records, we can use the same "Connection" object, but we'll have to close ResultSet object and Statement object at the end of each loop.

[Here we're using distributed database connection which means for each request, we create new "Connection" object and after the request is processed, we close this "Connection" object. Now, there might be the case that for one request, we need to fire multiple SELECT / DML queries, so we use the same "Connection" object to process this request.]

Closing ResultSet object and Statement object at the end of each loop will make sure that the cursors opened by executing this query will be closed / released.

[For DML queries, we need to close only "Statement" object].

Finally we close the connection object when we finish executing the queries in loop.

All the resources (including cursors) are released when the "Connection" object is closed.

Following this, we'll never encounter "Maximum open cursors exceeded" issue in any application :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Maintaining and Managing variables stored in application's session

In one of our project, we were storing frequently used application related data into the session, but now as the project is growing incrementally, storing new data / modifying existing data into session has became very confusing and difficult to manage.

I was just thinking about the workaround for coming out of this havoc, and voila, I got one :). This workaround I've implemented in our project. I would like to share the idea which brought us out of this mess.

Idea (Workaround): We can use one singleton java class, which has one HashMap variable. There will be custom methods for getting, setting and removing (operations same as that of session operations) values from HashMap. Now we can use this implementation for storing data (which was supposed to be stored into the session) into the HashMap present in this class, and then we can put the object of this java class (we'll be having one object for each session) into the session. So, at the session level, there will be only one object present in the session, and now it's lot easy to maintain and manage session variables (now HashMap data). Also, there will be only two session operations in each class, first: getting this java class object from session, second: storing back this java class object back to the session.

Implementing this thing was really fun and gave us lot of flexibility to maintain and manage session variables... :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

-C-O-N-C-E-P-T- Series : Java

Difference between using "" and toString() method for converting object value to String:

Case I - Using "":

BigDecimal dec = new BigDecimal("1234567");
String str = "" + dec; // converting dec to String
System.out.println("str: "+str);

str: 1234567

BigDecimal dec = null;
String str = "" + dec; // converting dec to String
System.out.println("str: "+str);

str: null

Case II - Using toString() method:

BigDecimal dec = new BigDecimal("1234567");
String str = null;

if( dec!=null ) {
str = dec.toString(); // converting dec to String

System.out.println("str: "+str);

str: 1234567

BigDecimal dec = null;
String str = null;

if( dec!=null ) {

str = dec.toString(); // converting dec to String

System.out.println("str: "+str);

str: null

In first case, we don't require null check, but doesn't has readability.
In second case, we require null check, but has readability.

Each one has its own ease of use.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Custom Map Implementation in Java

Blogging after a long-long-long-... time :)

When we fetch records from HashMap, it gives records according to hash code, i.e. the records returned are not in the order when they're placed in the Map.

When we fetch records from TreeMap, it gives records in the sorted order of key, i.e. the records returned are not in the order when they're placed in the Map.

What I want was a Map that should return sequential values/objects that are put into when they're fetched. So, why not to make our own custom implementation of Map that does what is needed.

I constructed following Custom Map Implementation. Please find the code below:

Supporting Class:


Output of above program:

key1 : value1
key2 : value2
key4 : value4
key5 : value5
key6 : value6
key7 : value7


It was a very great experience. I also digged into the actual Java Map source code which was an amazing experience.


"Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole Universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work."

- Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam